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International production technology is changing at an unprecedented speed. As the world’s leading trade fair for the machining industry and an international business platform, we are not only part of this change – we are actively shaping it. That is why we are redefining ourselves: since the services and products of our exhibitors now extend far beyond metalworking, the focus is even more clearly on the entire production technology than before. In addition, related topics and aspects such as industry-wide and cross-industry networking and training are moving more into focus.

Experience the world’s leading trade fair anew – in September 2023.


Innovation and change are in the DNA of production technology. As the world’s leading trade show for the industry, EMO Hannover plays a key role in shaping the far-reaching changes in working methods, technology, sustainable production and the organization of production and business processes. Under Future of Business, experts from the manufacturing industry and related sectors will provide information on innovative business, contract and sales models, new sales markets, forward-looking ways of financing sales, opportunities through New Work concepts and much more.

Innovation and change are in the DNA of production technology. As the world’s leading trade show for the industry, EMO Hannover plays a key role in shaping the far-reaching changes in working methods, technology, sustainable production and the organization of production and business processes. Under Future of Sustainability, we address the issue of sustainability as a task for society as a whole. It has a major impact on companies in the manufacturing industry. Everyone can contribute to being fit for the future. Find out here about current trends in sustainable production, energy efficiency, electromobility, alternative drives and much more.