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Dicing blade for semiconductor wafer


A Dicing blade for semiconductor wafer

A dicing blade is a type of cutting tool used to slice semiconductor wafers into individual chips. The process is typically carried out using a high-speed rotating blade made of materials such as diamond or cubic boron nitride (CBN). The blade is mounted on a spindle and is guided across the surface of the wafer, cutting through the material and separating it into individual chips.

The thickness of the dicing blade for semiconductor wafer is an important consideration, as it determines the thickness of the chips produced. Thinner blades produce thinner chips, while thicker blades produce thicker chips. The diameter of the blade also plays a role in the cutting process, as larger blades can cut more material at once and may be more efficient for larger wafers.

The dicing blade for semiconductor wafer process can be performed using various methods, including blade dicing, laser dicing, and plasma dicing. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages and is chosen based on the specific requirements of the application.

Diamond dicing blade for semiconductor wafer is commonly used for silicon wafer dicing in the semiconductor industry. Diamond is an extremely hard material that can cut through silicon with high precision and minimal damage to the surrounding material. Diamond dicing blade for semiconductor wafer are typically made of a layer of diamond particles that are electroplated onto a metal core, such as nickel or steel.

The thickness of the diamond layer on the blade is an important consideration, as it determines the cutting ability and lifespan of the blade. Thicker diamond layers generally have a longer lifespan but may produce rougher cuts, while thinner layers produce smoother cuts but have a shorter lifespan. The choice of diamond grit size also plays a role in the cutting process, as smaller grit sizes produce smoother cuts but have a slower cutting rate, while larger grit sizes have a faster cutting rate but may produce rougher cuts.

When using diamond dicing blades for semiconductor wafer dicing, it is important to control the blade speed, feed rate, and coolant flow to ensure a precise and efficient cut. Excessive blade speed or feed rate can cause the blade to overheat and damage the wafer, while inadequate coolant flow can lead to overheating and premature blade wear.

Overall, diamond dicing blades are an essential tool in the semiconductor industry for producing high-quality silicon chips with precise dimensions and minimal damage to the surrounding material.

Working       Working Layer Length    
  Code   38 51   64 76 89 102
  Code mm   0.380-0.510 0.510-0.640 0.640-0.760 0.76-0.890 0.890-1.020 1.020-1.150
  15 0.015-0.020   1538 1551          
  20 0.020-0.025   2038 2051   2064 2576    
Layer 25 0.025-0.030   2538 2551   2564 3076    
30 0.030-0.035   3038 3051   3064 3576 3089  
  35 0.035-0.040   3538 3551   3564 4076 3589 35102
  40 0.040-0.045   4038 4051   4064 4576 4089 40102
  45 0.045-0.050   4538 4551   4564 5076 4589 45102
  50 0.050-0.055   5038 5051   5064 5576 5089 50102
Width 55 0.055-0.060   5538 5551   5564 6076 5589 55102
60 0.060-0.070   6051   6064 7076 6089 60102
  70 0.070-0.080       7064 8076 7089 70105
  80 0.080-0.090           8089 80102
  90 0.090-0.100           9089 90102
  100 0.100-0.110             100102
        Working Layer Length    
Working   Code     115   128 141 154 167
Code mm     1.150-1.280 1.280-1.410 1.410-1.540 1.540-1.670 1.670-1.800
Layer 30                  
  40       40115          
  45       45115   45128      
  50       50115   50128 50141    
  55       55115   55128 55141 55154  
Width 60       60115   60128 60141 60154 60167
70       70115   70128 70141 70154 70167
  80       80115   80128 80141 80154 80167
  90       90115   90128 90114 90154 90167
  100       100115   100128 100141 100154 100167
H1   13   D M 15 38
Out Diameter 55.56 mm Grit(um) Concentration Hardness Width Length
Inner Diameter 19.05 mm 13 1-3 A Lowest S: soft    
  24 2-4 B Lower      
  25 2-5 C Low M:standard    
  26 2-6 D Standard      
  35 3-5 E High      
  36 3-6 F Higher      
  46 4-6          
  48 4-8          
  57 5-7